Importance Of Quality Seed In Food Security And Food Self Sufficiency


Seed is a fertilized mature ovule that posses an embryonic plant, stored food material (endosperm) and a protective coat (testa)which is viable and has capacity to germinate. It is the basic vital unit in agriculture , which is also the basis for food security , conservation of biodiversity. Seed system is one of the most vital components of the agricultural system that serves as an important element in strategies for agricultural development and poverty reduction. COVID-19 pandemic has affected almost every system worldwide. Seed supply chain has been disrupted badly with minimal workers around this sector, right now. Not only this sector but that of food safety, World Food Security, has been affected severely as well. Importance of quality seed is being understood, and is also being seen as a basic tool for a secure food supply.

Seed Quality

Seed is said to be of quality if it is scientifically produced and is distinctly superior in term of physical, genetic, physiological and pathological parameters. If a seed lot meets the certification standard it is said to be quality seed. Pure seeds are true to type, with high sowing quality, good yield potential, evenness in growth pattern and maturity. They are truly superior to existing one. Since these seed are latest and suited in the area for higher production. There will be more self sufficiency of food. It is said, such seeds are resistant to pest and diseases, well adopted to agro-climatic conditions and cropping pattern of locality.

Determinants /Characteristics of Quality Seed

  1. Physical quality
    • Seed should be clean and free from impurities
    • Free from inert materials like stones, mud, husks, broken seed
    • Free from weed seed
    • Free from other variety seed
  2. Genetic quality
    • The variety of seed should be true to the type (same as parent material)
    • There shouldn’t be any genetic deterioration in the variety
  3. Physiological quality
    • Seed should be bold and plump
    • High germination percentage
    • Viable and high vigour
    • Optimum moisture content: on an average 12% for rice,wheat and maize; 9% for pulses; 8% for oil seeds
  4. Pathological and entomological quality
    • Seed should be healthy
    • Free from seed borne diseases: disease spores in or on the seed
    • Free from egg, larvae, adult of insect
    • Treated with chemicals like
    • vitavex, thiram

Importance of quality seed

  • Quality seed is basic input in crop production
  • It has high genetic potential
  • It is a carrier of new technology: Green Revolution
  • It gives high quality produce: fetches high market price
  • It reduces the amount of seed requirement: by about 25%
  • Less chances of weed, insects and diseases: decrease cost of production
  • It improves productivity of crops: by about 25%
  • It helps in food self sufficiency and security in the country

Quality seed as a solution to Food Security and Self Sufficiency

Food Security, as defined by the United Nation’s Committee on World Food Security, means that all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their food preferences and dietary needs for an active and healthy life. Quality seed ensures good crop stand because of its high genetic and physiological qualities. So, with the institutional and technological enhancement in seed sectors, quality seeds can be used as solution for food security with addition to food self- sufficiency too. Production of seeds by following proper seed cycle, unifying seed system with complete knowledge and technological training on post- harvest operations up to marketing, utilization of maximum seed policies, seed schemes national, international both needs to be done in order to be self- reliable, sustainable, standard in line with sustaining food security and enhancing productivity.


Quality seed has a major role in enhancing and sustaining the agricultural production, and hence making country self- sufficient in food production. It is estimated that good quality seed can contribute about 20% increase in production. Thus good quality seeds are often called as seeds of green revolution. For any country to remove food deficit problem, it should be self sufficient in food production. Food Security would be there only if sufficient amount of food is produced and made available for all the people in affordable price. So we should focus on increasing agricultural production to achieve food security and for the use of quality is vital. Green Revolution in the world during 1960 -1980 ‘s has also proved that role of quality seed in increasing productivity is vital. Therefore, farmers should be aware of the importance of quality seed.

Writer: Sony Shrestha (Student, IAAS, Paklihawa Campus)

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